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Signal Generators: Models and Emulations


  ar      shaker     kamp, kfreq, kbeans, kdamp, ktimes[, idecay]


Audio output is a tone related to the shaking of a maraca or similar gourd instrument. The method is a physically inspired model developed from Perry Cook, but re-coded for Csound.


idecay - If present indicates for how long at the end of the note the shaker is to be damped. The default value is zero.


A note is played on a maraca-like instrument, with the arguments as below.

kamp - Amplitude of note.

kfreq - Frequency of note played.

kbeans - The number of beans in the gourd. A value of 8 seems suitable,

kdamp -- The damping value of the shaker. Values of 0.98 to 1 seems suitable, with 0.99 a reasonable default.

ktimes -- Number of times shaken.

The argument knum was redundant, so was removed in version 3.49.


  a1      shaker     31129.60, 440, 8, 0.999, 100, 0
          outs       a1, a1


John ffitch (after Perry Cook)
University of Bath, Codemist Ltd.
Bath, UK
New in Csound version 3.47

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Signal Generators: Models and Emulations