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Signal Generators: Models and Emulations


  ar      moog       kamp, kfreq, kfiltq, kfiltrate, kvibf, kvamp, iafn, iwfn, ivfn


An emulation of a mini-Moog synthesizer.


iafn, iwfn, ivfn -- three table numbers containing the attack waveform (unlooped), the main looping wave form, and the vibrato waveform. The files mandpluk.aiff and impuls20.aiff are suitable for the first two, and a sine wave for the last.


kamp - Amplitude of note.

kfreq - Frequency of note played.

kfiltq - Q of the filter, in the range 0.8 to 0.9

kfiltrate - rate control for the filter in the range 0 to 0.0002

kvibf - frequency of vibrato in Hertz. Suggested range is 0 to 12

kvamp - amplitude of the vibrato


John ffitch (after Perry Cook)
University of Bath, Codemist Ltd.
Bath, UK
New in Csound version 3.47

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Signal Generators: Models and Emulations