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Operations Using Spectral Data Types

specsum, specdisp

  ksum    specsum   wsig[, interp]
          specdisp  wsig, iprd[, iwtflg]


interp (optional) - if non-zero, interpolate the output signal (koct or ksum). The default value is 0 (repeat the signal value between changes).

iwtflg (optional) - wait flag. If non-zero, hold each display until released by the user. The default value is 0 (no wait).


specsum - sum the magnitudes across all channels of the spectrum. At each new frame of wsig, the magnitudes are summed and released as a scalar ksum signal. Between frames, the output is either repeated or interpolated at the k-rate. This unit produces a k-signal summation of the magnitudes present in the spectral data, and is thereby a running measure of its moment-to-moment overall strength.

specdisp - display the magnitude values of spectrum wsig every iprd seconds (rounded to some integral number of wsig's originating iprd).


  ksum     specsum   wsig,  1                    ; sum the spec bins, and ksmooth
           if        ksum < 2000   kgoto  zero   ; if sufficient amplitude
  koct     specptrk  wsig                        ;    pitch-track the signal
           kgoto      contin
  koct    =     0                                ; else output zero

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Operations Using Spectral Data Types