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Signal Modifiers: Amplitude Modifiers

rms, gain, balance

  kr      rms        asig[, ihp, iskip]
  ar      gain       asig, krms[, ihp, iskip]
  ar      balance    asig, acomp[, ihp, iskip]


The rms power of asig can be interrogated, set, or adjusted to match that of a comparator signal.


ihp (optional) - half-power point (in Hz) of a special internal low-pass filter. The default value is 10.

iskip (optional) - initial disposition of internal data space ( see reson). The default value is 0.


rms output values kr will trace the rms value of the audio input asig. This unit is not a signal modifier, but functions rather as a signal power-gauge.

gain provides an amplitude modification of asig so that the output ar has rms power equal to krms. rms and gain used together (and given matching ihp values) will provide the same effect as balance.

balance outputs a version of asig, amplitude-modified so that its rms power is equal to that of a comparator signal acomp. Thus a signal that has suffered loss of power (eg., in passing through a filter bank) can be restored by matching it with, for instance, its own source. It should be noted that gain and balance provide amplitude modification only - output signals are not altered in any other respect.


  asrc    buzz       10000,440, sr/440, 1   ; band-limited pulse train
  a1      reson      asrc, 1000,100         ; sent through
  a2      reson      a1,3000,500            ; 2 filters
  afin    balance    a2, asrc               ; then balanced with source

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Signal Modifiers: Amplitude Modifiers