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Signal Input and Output: File I/O

fin, fink, fini

		  fin       "ifilename", iskipframes, iformat, ain1[, ain2, ain3,...,ainN]
		  fink      "ifilename", iskipframes, iformat, kin1[, kin2, kin3,...,kinN]
		  fini      "ifilename", iskipframes, iformat, in1[, in2, in3,...,inN] 


Read signals from a file (at a-, k-, and i-rate)


ifilename - input file name (can be a string or a handle number generated by fiopen)

iskipframes - number of frames to skip at the start (every frame contains a sample of each channel)

iformat - a number specifying the input file format for fin and fink:

and for fini:


fin (file input) is the complement of fout: it reads a multichannel file to generate audio rate signals. At the present time no header is supported for the file format. The user must be sure that the number of channels of the input file is the same as the number of ainX arguments. fink is the same as fin, but operates at k-rate.

fini is the complement of fouti and foutir, it reads the values each time the corresponding instrument note is activated. When iformat is set to 0, if the end of file is reached, the file pointer is zeroed, restarting the scan from the beginning. When iformat is set to 1 or 2, no looping is enabled, so at the end of file, the corresponding variables will be filled with zeroes.


Gabriel Maldonado
New in Csound version 3.56

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Signal Input and Output: File I/O