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Score Syntax: Macros

Multiple File Score

  #include "filename"

It is sometimes convenient to have the score in more than one file. This use is supported by the #include facility which is part of the macro system. A line containing the text

  #include "filename"

where the character : can be replaced by any suitable character. For most uses the double quote symbol will probably be the most convenient. The file name can include a full path.

This takes input from the named file until it ends, when input reverts to the previous input. There is currently a limit of 20 on the depth of included files and macros.

A suggested use of #include would be to define a set of macros which are part of the composer's style. It could also be used to provide repeated sections.

  #include :section1:
  ;; Repeat that
  #include :section1:

Alternative methods of doing repeats, use the r statement, m statement, and n statement.


John ffitch
University of Bath/Codemist Ltd.
Bath, UK
April, 1998 (New in Csound version 3.48)

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Score Syntax: Macros