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Instrument Control: Time Reading

timek, times, instimek, instimes

  ir      timek
  kr      timek
  ir      times
  kr      times
  kr      timeinstk
  kr      timeinsts


Opcodes to read absolute time since the start of the performance or of an instance of an instrument - in two formats.


timek is for time in k-rate cycles. So with:

  sr    = 44100 
  kr    = 6300 
  ksmps = 7

then after half a second, the timek opcode would report 3150. It will always report an integer.

Time in seconds is available with times. This would return 0.5 after half a second.

times and timek can also operate only at the start of the instance of the instrument. Both produce an i-rate variable (starting with i or gi) as their output.

timek and times can both produce a k-rate variable for output.

There are no input parameters.

instimek and instimes are similar to timek and times, except they return the time since the start of this instance of the instrument.


Robin Whittle
May 1997

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Instrument Control: Time Reading