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The  cpopup object



cpopup - Creation of a pop-up menu


cpopup name -value {option0 option1 option2 ...}  ?options?


-label name
-init value


The cpopup command produces a popup menu with the menu choices determined by the -value list.   The -label flag can be used to specify an alternative name  for the toggle in the interface.


At compilation, any instance of gkname or giname in the orchestra, will be replaced by the index number of the option chosen, starting at 0 for the first option in the list. The user determines the propriety of an i-rate or k-rate usage in a given context. The cpopup  object can also be used in the score by using the replacement string : [name] .

The cpopup object can also be used in the score by using the replacement string : [name]

An option menu is also produced with the options: k-rate, record, playback, load and save. The user can record slider events with record and replay them with playback. A given stream can be saved under any name with save and recalled with load. k-rate allows to simply play the popup without recording.


At compilation, the popup menu:
     cpopup type -val {hi-pass low-pass band-pass notch} -label filtertype -init hi-pass
will produce a popup menu with the label filtertype and will return 2 if band-pass is selected or 0 if hi-pass is selected, through the gktype or gitype global variable in the orchestra .  The initial value will be hi-pass.

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