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The  cfilein object



cfilein - Creation of interface objects for the selection of audio and analysis input files.


cfilein name ?option?


-label    value
-type     value


The cfilein command creates interface objects to handle input file selection via a fileselector.

Additionally, the cfilein object packs a small slider allowing the user to define an offset into the selected soundfile.

For a module to work, all cfilein objects present must be selected. The user is warned if this is not the case.  The label besides the fileselection button can optionally be replaced with the option -label.

CECILIA supports wave, aiff and SDII soundfile types. Files in the aifc and next formats will be optionally converted when chosen in the file selector.

Analysis files can also make use of the cfilein object. It is however suggested that analysis file names carry an extension indicating the type of analysis the file contains. .lpc indicates an lpc analysis, .pv an fft analysis, .hetro an heterodyne analysis and .cv a convolution analysis. CECILIA's built-in audio analysis interface automatically extends the name of the analysis files with the appropriate suffix.

The cfilein object can also be used to select midifiles for the score. In this case the -type MIDI needs to be specified.


When the orchestra and score are compiled, all instances of "[name]" (note the quote marks) are substituted with full path name of the file selected with the objects button. The offset is substituted, at the appropriate place, with the use of [offname_of_variable].


cfilein source -label "Sound to Process" -type audio

would define a fileselection button in the Main window. In the orchestra, the selected file (and its offset time) would substituted wherever the following line is encountered:

asig, asid     soundin    "[source]",[offsource]

Copyright © Jean Piché and Alexandre Burton, 1995-98